Writing with Light

I am a 19-year-old amateur photographer living in Montreal, Quebec. The photos on this blog are taken in many different countries, including Taiwan, the United States, Israel, Jordan, and Turkey. If you visit this blog, please take a few minutes to look at the pictures and maybe leave a comment or two. Thanks.

Friday, July 6, 2012


It's often said that dogs are a man's best friend, but the same is almost never said of cats. They are truly underrated and underappreciated beings--flawlessly elegant in appearance, fluidly sinuous in movement, and upright in both posture and character. And when you get to know them, their characteristic aloofness and seemingly constant somnolence become all the more endearing. Oreo has been a part of my family for seven years, and not a day goes by when I don't feel thankful that she is, and will always be, one of us.


  1. 這幾張貓都很棒,這已經脫離了單純拍動物,而是拍出貓咪生活和內心感覺的照片了,我很喜歡。

  2. 去這個網址下載View NX2。

  3. 去這個網址下載View NX2。

  4. Actually I changed my mind. THIS is my favorite post. Love Oreo, and the lighting is beautiful on her. Give her a kiss for me - jace
