Writing with Light

I am a 19-year-old amateur photographer living in Montreal, Quebec. The photos on this blog are taken in many different countries, including Taiwan, the United States, Israel, Jordan, and Turkey. If you visit this blog, please take a few minutes to look at the pictures and maybe leave a comment or two. Thanks.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

花蓮之旅~ "I know that if odour were visible, as colour is, I'd see the summer garden in rainbow clouds." --Robert Bridges

This collection makes up the second part of my trip to Hualien County last week. It focuses on some of the photos I took that don't quite fit under a theme but do well to highlight the vivid colors and vitality of summer.


  1. 第1張的光影和色彩很棒,背後的散景也很好。如果對焦點能夠再居中一些(這張在左上方),那會有立體(遠近)的感覺出現,可能會更好些。第2張感覺到很亮也很美,但好像沒有重心?

  2. 同意窗子不錯 蜻蜓有趣 再清晰一點會更好

  3. 以上是老爸意見

  4. Hey!I love your pictures! I love the nature and I also took some pictures but in Europe :P. Hope you have an awesome summer, we should skype soon!

  5. 那隻狗是有鬥雞眼嗎? tehehe
    Love the dragonfly, so vibrant!
    What my photography teacher would do, is to circle anything on the picture he didn't liked (with a crayon), random edges and weird lighting etc, then he'd go on photoshop to fix it (or we'd go on photoshop and he'd make us fix it) But that's film photography so it's a bit different. Just a random thought :) jacey
