Writing with Light

I am a 19-year-old amateur photographer living in Montreal, Quebec. The photos on this blog are taken in many different countries, including Taiwan, the United States, Israel, Jordan, and Turkey. If you visit this blog, please take a few minutes to look at the pictures and maybe leave a comment or two. Thanks.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

"Snow is like kindness: It beautifies everything it touches."

The quote above reminds me of God's awesome perfection, beauty, and grace--and how these things are reflected in our daily lives--for example, on snowy winter days like today. When I woke up yesterday morning, the world was dazzlingly white. There was even more snow than there had been the day before. Just as I did yesterday, I hurriedly rushed outdoors and began taking pictures. Later in the day, I went around the neighborhood for some different shots. Throughout the day, the snow fell and melted repeatedly, and there were alternating periods of drizzle and storms of miniature hailstones. It was a magical day!


  1. 很好的照片,雪景是很難拍的,尤其容易曝光過度,這幾張掌握的都不錯。第五張很有東方的禪意;第七張綠葉背後的隱約雪花,很能夠帶出冬末春出的感覺;燈這張或許拍的時候感到不錯,但成像卻不很出色,眼睛看的和拍出來的會有落差,算是很好的參考;第十張細雪中的人,乍看之下是人,其實人只是點綴,人後面的樹是很好的背景,很有動感;十六張仙人掌上的雪很有意思,有趣;水珠都很好,但缺了一張滴下來的,如果能夠掌握住那個瞬間一定很有趣;最後一張有人文的感覺,我喜歡。

  2. Okay. I've been STRUGGLING to post a comment because of my unfortunate illiteracy but here goes.

    CHRISTINE!!! :D (It's Erica, by the way.) Why are your photos so effortlessly GORGEOUS?! AH, I'm loving it. So, so, SO pretty. I wish it snowed here; it's 70 degrees F in SoCal. -__- WHOOPEE.

    Anyways, we haven't talked in a long long long time! Catch up, yes?

  3. Ah, if you'd like, also check out my blog! (Just click my name.) :)

  4. 哇~好厲害!上帝爸爸給妳很強的藝術天份呢!
