Writing with Light

I am a 19-year-old amateur photographer living in Montreal, Quebec. The photos on this blog are taken in many different countries, including Taiwan, the United States, Israel, Jordan, and Turkey. If you visit this blog, please take a few minutes to look at the pictures and maybe leave a comment or two. Thanks.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

台中新社之旅: 透明 ~Trip to Taichung & Shinshe: Transparent

These photos were taken in Taichung City, located in west-central Taiwan; some were taken in the Shinshe District of Taichung. One of the city shots were taken at Taipei Main Station (台北車站), where we boarded the High Speed Rail (高鐵), which can reach speeds of 300 km/hr. The journey from Taipei to Taichung took a mere 49 minutes. The other two night city shots were taken outside a shopping complex in Taichung. The second day of our trip, we drove to Shinshe (新社) and stayed at a famous hostel, 風林谷, which is located on a hill and normally only open to the owners’ friends and acquaintances. It’s a beautiful place. The dog in these pictures is named Penguin (企鵝). She’s adorable and is always on the alert for approaching visitors. The pictures of the water droplets were taken during a heavy afternoon rain the day we arrived. Other photos were taken early in the morning inside the log house (where we slept), in the garden, and on nearby roads. The garden, which includes a tiny stream, a pond inhabited by seven koi carp, many fruit trees, a gorgeous fountain, water lilies, and wondrous plants, is also home to many different species of dragonflies and butterflies.


  1. 大蜻蜓兩張都不錯,雖然樣子不算美,但徒手能拍出這個水準很不錯;善變蜻蜓的幾張,從下向上拍的兩張我喜歡,因為紅能搭配出天空的藍,但有一張稍微糊了些,停地上的雖然大但比較沒有特色;蝴蝶不是停著的,能拍出這個樣子很不簡單了;第5張的散景處理的不錯,可以突顯出被攝體;第6張的拍攝用意和第5張一樣,但背景一雜被攝體就弱掉了;第11張不錯,但後面還是雜了些(景深太深),就看不出來到底要表現什麼了;26張的散景很漂亮,拍拍手;27張的蛛網很棒,我喜歡;30張我也喜歡這種感覺;31張的雨景,看得出來雨下的不小,下次拍這種景時可以試試高速快門和慢速快門(有腳架用慢於1/60秒,沒腳架用1/60秒)各拍一張,會有不同效果的;雨滴這幾張都不錯,高速快門和慢速快門都各有特色,下次可以再試試(河流或瀑布,尤其是慢速快門可以加強);清晨的光影表現可以再想想,其實用18mm那邊拍,把背景擴大些或許會好一點;57張我很喜歡,晨曦中的騎士身影很有味道;房間裡的兩張表現的也不錯,但如果再加上更廣角些的應該會更有意思;台北車站大廳和百貨公司都太暗,其他部分在新社拍的又太亮,可以再後製一下調整一下。新機似乎還沒有太上手,可以再多試試好抓出更好的角度和拍法。人的部分有拍嗎?可以另外開一個部落格讓大家看看。

  2. 更正一下,百貨公司和台北車站內並不暗,不必調整了,你朋友看到一定會驚豔的。

  3. Taiwaan has a lot more color to it then Jordan. Your camera is really good at capturing color. If you go to New England there will be simailair summertime scenes, but try to get some fall shots of the leaves in the mountains... the colors can be quite good.
