Writing with Light

I am a 19-year-old amateur photographer living in Montreal, Quebec. The photos on this blog are taken in many different countries, including Taiwan, the United States, Israel, Jordan, and Turkey. If you visit this blog, please take a few minutes to look at the pictures and maybe leave a comment or two. Thanks.

Friday, June 10, 2011

"Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language."~Henry James

This post is composed of photos that I took when we visited the weekend home of a former Jordanian congressman. His family treated us to mansaf, the Jordanian national dish, which is basically pieces of mutton atop rice that has been cooked in goat milk. The garden overlooks a stunning vista of craggy mountains and plunging valleys. It was a sweltering day, but a beautiful summer afternoon nonetheless.

1 comment:

  1. 看得出是很雄偉的景觀,但大概是空氣品質不好,整體顯得灰暗,遠方霧霧地一片,可惜了些。中間有張有右上角來的太陽光就過曝了。花的那兩張我喜歡,有生命的躍動感。下方的幾張也不錯,色彩的表現很好。你的白平衡怎麼調的?感覺上好像有白平衡上的問題。
